Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter...and a letter...

I just came back from church a while was quite packed...almost triggered the agoraphobic in me to run away and hide...but it's Easter...i should be there where God's people are...grateful for the usher who found me a seat...God bless him...we didn't have the routine praise and worship and the dreaded 'chat time' followed by sermon like every Sunday...we had the worship team singing....and then a short skit about transformation...that was pretty funny...and then there were some 15-20 church members who came on stage with cardboards that were written on both side was what/how/who they were before they met Christ and the other side was what/how/who they became after meeting Christ...quite that really stuck to me was a cardboard that said "Hole in one"...which turned into "Holy one"...hahaha, pretty smart that one...

I was supposed to go up as well...apparently what i wrote during the cell meeting was deemed worthy enough to be put up on stage...truth be told, i don't really recall what i actually wrote...well, unfortunately (or fortunately) i couldn't make it for the briefing and rehearsal for the thing coz i was on call on both of the days...anyway, since it's Easter today, i thought i'd come home and listen to this cd by Brian Doerksen titled 'You Shine''s a compilation of praise and worship songs...given to me by a friend when she found out Pa passed yea, i'm listening to it now, while waiting for episode 5 of 'One Meter Sunshine' loads on

I left church after the service...met some people i know...said hi and that was one asked if i would like to join them for lunch and i didn't really feel like asking to tag along for lunch...didn't even manage to say hi to Eric or Banjo or Melvyn...high profile people like that are always having conversations with other people...and i didn't feel like being rude and interrupt...i just realized something...becoming a hermit and being shrouded in loneliness is a conscious decision...and all i felt when i walked away from the crowded church was apathy...and i'll be leaving KK soon...but i'm neither overwhelmed with sadness nor happiness...yup, definitely jaded...

Been listening to (or at least trying to listen) Peter Ho's songs...nothing that i'd swoon over...Khalil Fong's still my music man for now...but there was a song called 一封信
or 'A Letter' that totally made me cry a river...the lyrics were written by Peter Ho and this song was dedicated to 2 of his fans...a young girl who has passed away and her best friend...just wanted to share the song MV and lyrics...really touching...wonder if Peter Ho went to church this morning...hopefully he's not too busy to celebrate Easter...


某年某月的某一天 (a certain day of a certain month and year) 
过境机场的角落里 (at a corner of the airport's transit)
一个陌生的小女孩 (an unfamiliar young girl) 
用着颤抖的口吻 (using a trembling tone) 我终于  找到了你 (i've finally found you)

从她的怀里 (from her embrace) 跌落一封信 (a letter fell) 
微黄的纸张 (a tiny piece of yellowed paper) 清秀的笔迹 (with delicate handwriting)

我不认识你 却已经认识你 (i don't know you but am already familiar with you)
你从神经的最末梢 闯入我的生命里 (passing through the very last days , you charged into my life)
我不敢爱你 却十倍的爱你 (i dare not love you but loved you 10 fold more)
我在生命的最终点 鼓起勇气告诉你 (at the very end of my life, i took the courage to let you know)

某年某月的某一天 (a certain day of a certain month and year) 
北方医院的角落里 (at a corner of a hospital in the north)
躺在病榻前的女孩 (the girl lying at the sick bed)  
燃烧最后 的光点 (kindling her last brightness) 写下了 她祝福 (wrote down her blessings)

星星一样的小光点 (like the tiny twinkling of the stars in the sky) 
我在这里看着你 (i'm here watching after you)
在阴天的心情里 (when the mood is like an overcast sky) 
却有阳光的温暖 (yet there is the warmth of sunshine)

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