I've finally received my certificate of participation for the borneo international marathon that was held on 12 october 2008...i should have gone to their office and get it earlier but well, i'm a procrastinator...it was very nice of them to mail it to me...so there...the proof of my 'impossible' mission...i actually ran a marathon...in 6 hours 15 mins 39 seconds...that put me among the last few runners in the race...but that's ok...point was...i've done something which i used to think would be impossible for me...of course i didn't run the whole way...by halfway, my right knee was almost ready to give up on me...
So anyway, don't think my right knee ever recovered since then...i've been trying to jog again but i can only last 2 rounds and my right knee feels like it's been osteoarthritic for the past 10 years..so i thought i'd go swimming instead..but it's been raining in the evenings..and i'm too lazy to get up in the morning to swim when i'm doing pm shifts..so finally i decided i'd get myself an exercise machine...those elliptical trainers which has low impact on the knees...cost me half a month's salary..but hey, at least it won't close down on me after 3 months (unlike my stupid gym which cost me more but ran off with my money, leaving me gym-less)...
My new machine will be delivered to my house on Monday...looking forward to an intensive month-long training...hehe, why? coz i'll be going to Bali in early May...must get into shape so i won't get the "when are you due?" questions when ppl see me in my bikini...sigh...the suffering us girls need to go through in the name of vanity...
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