Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Fate? 2....

I just realized that i've titled a post with "Fate?"...though i can't remember off hand what that was about now...so i thought i'd just add a 2 on the title...though this has probably nothing to do with the first "Fate?" post...

Anyway, sometimes in the course of our lives, we meet people, regardless of their gender, whose faces make you noticed them at first glance....you can't really tell exactly what made you noticed them in the first place, but the image of their faces lingers a little longer than necessary in your mind...sometimes it's just a chance encounter...sometimes you get to meet them for a while and then you (or they) leave and you don't ever see them again...sometimes, as if fate is playing a trick on your life, you meet them again years later...not always at the most inappropriate time and place....

Last night, i met a certain person (again) while i was on call....i went down to the Emergency Department to assess a patient who was referred for ICU admission...and there was this person whose look caught my attention...i knew i've seen him somewhere....then i remembered who he was...of course up till the time i saw him again, i've totally forgotten about his existence or the fact that i've ever met him...funny how memory works huh? but i remembered that the first time i saw him, i noticed him...he kind of stood apart from the crowd...not sure if he usually has that effect on other people as well...and i definitely wouldn't call it 'love at first sight'...none of the 'suddenly the world seemed to stand still', or 'heart beating as fast as the flutter of a butterfly's wings' kind of stuffs...plus i was 'attached' at that time...

But of course, he doesn't remember or recognize me...the last time we met, i was a medical student and he was a registrar in Emergency Department....i'd only seen him for about a week...and our interaction was pretty limited to assisting him in T & S and attending to patients in the ED...there was a Taiwanese drama series which i watched a while ago...the guy in the show said, first meeting is chance...second meeting is fate...third meeting is destiny....so is this fate? if so, fate must be playing a prank on me since i remembered that he's married with kid(s)....hahahaha.....

A week ago, i got an sms from Jasmine asking me if it was ok to have an ED specialist staying over at our place for a few days...the specialist is a guy and he was standing in for the current ED specialist who was going on leave...Jasmine doesn't usually like having male strangers around the house...but i thought since she was ok with it, i'd be ok with it too...but he ended up staying with Suet Lai instead....i didn't realize then that this was the same person i met (again) last night...i guess it was a good thing he didn't stay with us...would have been more awkward (on my part) to have to come home to see a guy whose face lingers a little longer than necessary on my mind....of course he would have been totally oblivious to all this....while i would be left disturbed enough to actually type a post about this whole encounter...

So yea, i don't suppose i would see him again...and in a while, the memory of his face would fade away like it did the last time...and life would go on as if both our paths never crossed...sometimes i wonder, if there was a similar version of this story that has happened in a person's life which perhaps involved me as the person being totally oblivious to the whole story....hhmmm, girls, we think too much...

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