Wednesday, November 9, 2011

On call 3 days in a row...

I really shouldn't be complaining about my work life in HKB...coz i really have so much more time for myself compared to my work life few months back...and there have been days when my calls were 'call-less' last month...but since November started, my lucky streak has worn off...i'm only half way through my 10 calls and i'm able to claim most of my passive calls for 'more than 4 hours of work after office hours'...i think God knows i need more money lately, so He's giving me the opportunity to earn more during my calls...but i still want to have my beauty sleep, Lord...

Yesterday i started my 1st of 3 stretch of continuous calls...not a good start...they just kept referring cases...and the last one was this idiot who was riding a motorcycle without helmet (coz it's jalan kampung) and banged God-knows-what and fell over...again, i must wonder why are there so many ppl in the world who were born without protective would think that when a person is about to fall, his/her limbs would be outstretched to break the fall and thus be of worse condition than one's face...but since i became a plastic surgery MO, i've seen so many idiots with horrifying facial laceration (only) but their limbs were unscathed...some don't even have a bloody scratch on the upper if God made the face to stop a fall...

Got the call at 2am...and was in casualty till 4am...bugger....was only able to suture part of his wound coz it was at the left lateral canthus and it was bloody deep and suture it anyway would leave him with a squinted eye...not that i care if he ended up having eye asymmetry...he was asking for it anyway...but i wouldn't want my boss to think that i do not value cosmetic and aesthetic results...not that putting a full-thickness skin graft on his wound would restore proper facial contour but at least his eyes will still be symmetry....

So i'm keeping my fingers crossed that tonight will be a quiet night...since tomorrow i'm still on call...Lord, i'm looking forward to Friday...i'm dipping into mild i'm having my dose of caramel hot chocolate to lift my mood and hopefully aid in my falling asleep....yes, despite being tired (and able to fall asleep anywhere at any circumstances during the day), i still have problem falling asleep at night in my bed...

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