Sunday, February 21, 2010

Great call last night...

I have to say that i had a great call last night...i only went into OT once for one case throughout the day...well, it was a chemoport insertion and we had a difficult time cannulating the subclavian vein... even the internal jugular vein we had to puncture a few times before we got it in...and so the patient ended up having pneumothorax...but he was so stable throughout the night...and there were only few admissions...there was a neuro scare of the post op neuro patient was complaining of facial and periphery numbness...the HO noticed that her calcium level was very low...1.52....i was like, and they just let it go all this while? so we gave her IV calcium gluconate and T. calcium lactate stat...her ECG had the classic prolonged QT interval...i was so worried she was gonna go into some arrhythmia...but thankfully she didn't...

The last admission came in about of our old patients...who refused BKA even though we told him his leg was dead...he actually discharged AOR...he only came back last night coz he couldn't stand the pain of a dead limb...quite pissed so i just told the HO to start him on antibiotics... didn't go up to see him...but then i think i felt bad about it so i couldn't sleep well the rest of the in the end, although i had a great call, i still didn't have a great sleep...crap!!!

Anyway, i was out for dinner with Connie and Becky at Upperstar Lintas just was good time to catch up...since we haven't got together for quite some i told them about 'my Adelaide Affair' (i thought this would make a good title for my book, if i ever got around writing it, hehe) which they had been dying to hear about...and Connie said it was like a romantic drama comedy....well, actually the whole story was damn funny lah...if you're not the one being spurned...but even i can still laugh at the absurdity of it all...

By the way, i just finished reading "Agnes Grey" by Anne Bronte...while i was back in KL i noticed a few classics stashed away in one of the glass cupboard...i was asking Pei who bought those...coz i didn't remember buying and reading them...but Pei said the books have been there for a while and she didn't buy them...hmmm..strange...but good for me coz i took one of it and read...though reading old English can be quite a challenge...don't really understand some of the sentences but i supposed i got the gist of the book...

Agnes Grey is a story about a young girl who set out to be a governess but who met with the harsh reality of the worlds of rich, spoilt brats and their unreasonable parents...she met a nice 'curate of a parish' (whatever that means) when she became the governess of 2 young ladies....and her accounts of how she fell in love with him and how she never told anyone close to her about it really reminds me of how i used to be...i supposed i'm still like that in a way...if i really like someone, i usually keep it a secret...won't dare to tell a soul...won't even dare to show any hint to the guy that i like him...except that these days, i can't seem to find a guy that i might like...well, Agnes Grey thought that she might lead a life of spinsterhood and die alone but she ended up marrying the guy she was in love with...perhaps i too may dare to dream that that could happen to me...

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