Saturday, June 27, 2009

Stupid SESB part 2!!!!

ARRGHH!!! I think i've just had about enough with stupid SESB!!!! they've done it again!!! they cut our electricity again!!! for the second time!!! and we've bloody paid the bills!!!! how dare they come and cut our electricity and leave the stupid yellow note???!!!! and i blame that stupid lady who promised Jasmine she would help us settle our was bad enough that she didn't update the computer data after Jasmine has paid her our bills and our electricity got cut off the first after a month it has happened again!!! what the hell has she been doing the whole month???!!!!

As it is i got home from the hospital this morning expecting to take a nice bath and sleep my post call day off...and i came home to find that there was no electricity...i thought it was just some cable problem that caused the whole neighbourhood's power supply to be i couldn't bathe (coz my shower doesn't work without electricity) and slept in a bloody hot room anyway...but by noon the electricity still hasn't come back, i thought something was fishy...Jasmine was home call as i called stupid SESB to ask them what seems to be the problem with the electricity in my neighbourhood..and apparently, we were the only house complaining about power supply i went out to check the meter outside the house and guess what i found? the blood yellow note that said they've cut off our electricity coz we haven't paid our bills...there's a Chinese idiom that goes..
哭笑不得..which translates to mean "don't know whether to laugh or cry"..well that was quite the state of mind i was in...

Thank God Jasmine was there to deal with the stupid SESB people...coz if i were the one talking to them, i wouldn't have been talking...i'd have been screaming my lungs out at those idiots for causing us so much inconvenience...and it's not like we deserved it coz we didn't pay our bills!!! i was telling Jasmine i was going to put in my transfer letter to JKNS and put my reason for transfer as "i can't continue to work in a place where the only electricity supplier in the state is out to make my life a living hell"....don't get me's not like i can't live without electricity..i mean if i'm bloody stuck in the middle of Amazon, electricity would be off no importance to me...but i live in bloody KK...a city...and i pay my bloody electricity bills (although they are ridiculously high considering our usage)...and yet i come home to a house with no electricity??!!! i think any sane human would find that unacceptable...

So anyway, after Jasmine threatened them sweetly that we'll write a long complain to the newspapers..within an hour our electricity supply is back on...but she'll be going to see that stupid Johanna lady to screw her nicely (well,i guess i'd better leave that to her coz i might wind up chewing that lady's head off) better not happen for the 3rd time...or a lawsuit would be in order...


  1. And when you leave the place for good, make sure the SESB account is terminated...I mean really terminated for good. My friend asked for his Telekom line to be terminated when he was transferred...only to find out 3 years later, Telekom called him to settle 3 years outstanding rental bill...

    These monopoly companies just doesn't have the motivation to improve their efficiency...

  2. it's ok..the house belongs to the landlord so when i leave i won't need to bother about the stupid account de.. just need to cancel the tmnet account..some ppl are just plaing the SESB ppl...

  3. So, you serious about the transfer? I'll probably be out of this darn place by the time you transfer back to Semenanjung...

    That's the darn thing with this country, everything is bloody monopoly. I won't talk about all these stupid utility companies but just look at the bloody retail culture!!! i'm not going to start or I'll start bashing and cursing at some of those bloody cosmetic SAs out there....a whole horde of them!!!!

  4. jie, you're right the time i actually get a transfer, you'd probably be in england or somewhere else de..but i'm seriously considering a transfer..except that i still need to think of where to transfer too..hehe..
