Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Am i going to get bleeding calls like...always?

So i was on call again yesterday...Queen call...and my phone was ringing the whole day as expected..good thing most referrals are for clinic appointments only....but about 5pm, casualty called and referred a UGIB...83 year-old i went to see the patient...turned out i actually knew this last call in Queen before the CNY break, this uncle insisted on AOR...he was under urology...anyway, boss asked to stabilize him and bring him up to scope room for urgent OGDS since he was still up there...

Took us 1 hour to finally got him up to scope room...again, don't ask me why it took so long...anyway, boss scoped the uncle...huge Forrest IIc ulcer at incisura and huge Forrest III ulcer at D1...but unable to pass through to D2...since no active bleeding so we admitted him to ward for observation and transfusion....then there were a few patients from district...and from the other after boss went to Likas for some referrals, he came back to Queen for on call rounds and we saw the referrals... i was in the hospital till 11pm...sans dinner...

Went home to bathe...ate maggi and choc cookies for dinner/supper...just when i was about to fall asleep, Pang called regarding one patient's SPC (or the lack of it)...but God bless Pang for settling it for i slept for a while....but about 4am, the phone calls start coming again...2 appendices...and a bleeding AVF...i was like...right...i couldn't help feeling that perhaps i was meant to lead a life of difficulty and supposed 1 great call is about all i'll ever get lah...

So i went to see the bleeding AVF patient...1st time i've ever seen one actually...ever seen a burst pipe with the water spurting out in high pressure? that's pretty much how a bleeding AVF i called boss to ask him what to do...and he said to suture up the skin to cover the defect...i was i went on with my impossible task...the patient taught me where to apply the tourniquet so i could temporarily stop the bleeding while i suture up the defect...took me a few tries coz the skin was very fragile...and nylon is damn slippery...but finally after putting 2 figure of 8 sutures, i managed to stop the!!! least i didn't have to call boss to come and settle the mess...thank God...

On a side note, i've started my yoghurt and cereal diet regime...i'm sick of having to think og where to go for dinner...and since cooking is too much a hassle...this should be ideal for me...especially since i hardly have the time or energy to workout...hopefully i can maintain this for the next few months...we'll see if there's any difference after this...

1 comment:

  1. Yogurt and cereal!!! sounds great, and a bit like my fav Greek breakfast!! If it does the Mediterranean people good, sure it will be for you!
