These are the thoughts, imaginations, ruminations, complaints, etc. about the life of a girl who thinks too much, whose imagination is too wild for her own good, who ruminates on her personal issues, who complains about her life (or the lack of it)....
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
A Drama worthy of an episode in Grey's Anatomy?
So anyway, apparently i'm destined for dramatic night life when i'm on call...whole day i didn't have any admission...about 8pm plus, my boss in the elective OT called to enquire about the availability of ICU bed..apparently an elective splenectomy went wrong...17 year-old girl with a huge spleen and liver...liver was accidentally torn on mobilization...bled bled bled and the spleen out (i saw the was a foot long) and packed the liver in the hopes of stopping the bleeding... patient came to ICU about 9pm...initially BP and pulse looked quite stable...but she was pale as sheet... managed to get 2 more pints of packed cell and 1 DIVC was transfusing like mad...but then her pulse kept increasing and her BP kept dropping....started on IV noradrenaline and the dose kept going up and yet unable to maintain her BP...and she was becoming paler as i watched her...shit!!! she was still bleeding...called the surgical MO on call who came and scanned splenectomy girl's abdomen...damn!!! free fluid in the abdomen...
Had to prepare her for op again...good thing i already sent for another round of bloods and blood products...but even cross-matching had to take an splenectomy girl to OT about 12am... managed to get her 4 pints of packed cell and another cycle of DIVC if trying to stop her bleeding liver and resuscitating her wasn't dramatic enough, one of the surgical MO had to collapse halfway through the op...too bad i wasn't there to witness the drama...but from reliable sources, i heard he apparently had some kind of 'fit' and went unconscious...what i had problem believing was that everyone rushed to this surgical MO's aid while leaving the splenectomy girl bleeding intra-op...but the surgical MO woke up and thank God it wasn't the splenectomy girl's time to go yet...after the surgical consultant came in and spray coagulate the bleeding part of the liver and re-packed it, the bleeding seemed secured...
Splenec girl came back to ICU close to 3am...on maximum double inotropes now..they've transfused practically all the bloods intra-op and she actually looked pink again...continued to transfuse the remaining DIVC cycle...managed to taper down the inotropes...i supposed the bleeding has stopped since by about 5am we've managed to off all inotropes and her BP was stable at around 105/60mmHg and her pulse hovered between 125-130 bpm...but being the paranoid i am, i didn't go to sleep till about 6am...finally convinced that she's no longer actively bleeding...
Got up at 8am and went out to see splenec girl...still pink...BP and pulse still stable..phew!!! you have no idea how relieved i was...handed over to the MO on call today...went for breakfast...then came home and crashed till 5.30pm just now...sigh...i don't know how much more of such dramatic night life i can handle...
Monday, September 28, 2009
I got through!!!
Anyway, about almost 11pm, the cue to call came on....and i was like grabbing my phone and started dialing the myfm no....1st attempt..busy..2nd attempt...still busy...i was like, WTH?!!? cannot be so fast got other ppl got through right? i kept trying...4th attempt...i heard ringing tone...I GOT THROUGH!!!! the adrenaline rush left me trembling...i couldn't speak properly...and i had to speak in Mandarin...good thing Jason (the DJ) was nice enough to help me through with the tag line...gosh!! it was really a that over..then it was time to sing an excerpt of one of Khalil's songs...the first song that came to my mind was "Nothing's Gonna Change My Love For You" i sang that one...
After Jason got my details and all...i put down the phone and i couldn't stop giggling to was like reliving my 'Gary Barlow' moments all over again...then i switched on the radio again and heard myself on the radio...hmmm...i sounded weird on the radio...but i think i didn't sing out of tune i have to pray really hard and keep my fingers crossed...that when they announced the lucky winner who will be getting the tickets to Khalil's concert in Taipei, it will be my name...still got another long week to go before next Monday....argh!!! the agony of waiting....
I don't know if i can sleep tonight...or if i can keep a straight face when i'm on call'd just be so like me to break out into an idiot grin for no reason...hahaha....oh gosh!!! God is so good to me...thank You, Lord!!!
Chance to watch Khalil live in Taipei!!!
Oh Lord, you're really too good to i only need to get through to the radio station when i hear the cue to call...please please please let me get through!!!! this is like a chance of a lifetime....hahaha, listen to me...acting like some high school girl again...what is it about Khalil that can reduce me to such a state? hmmm, i'm sure all of his Malaysian fans are in such a frenzy state too...some of whom would be sitting beside the radio waiting for the hourly cue to call everyday for the next 5 days...
Anyway, i'm post call today...had a relatively good call yesterday i.e. no admissions, patients were fairly stable...but instead of sleeping while i could, i was chatting online...and then one of the nurse left a webpage on wedding gowns open...i browsed a while and then got hooked...i'm a sucker for wedding gowns...something about beautiful white gowns that appeal to i slept around 5am...thought it'd be a good call all the way till 8am...but something just has to happen whenever i'm on call...
Got a call from the ortho HO at about 6am...49 year-old op about 3 hours bilateral hand fasciotomy for hand compartment syndrome...apparently he was cleaning some fish 2 days ago and injured his fingers...have no idea what kind of fish that can cause such bad infection and sepsis...when i saw the patient, he was having acidotic breathing...confused and disorientated... basically on the verge of collapse...couldn't detect his saturation coz his peripheries were cold...BP lowish...ABG showed severe metabolic acidosis incompatible with life...pH 6.89 bicarb 8 BE -26... i'm amazed he was actually well pre and post-op...why didn't he wait till 8am to get that acidotic? asked the HO to give 200ml of bicarb stat...his ABG improved a bit after that..but still acidotic...
So i had to intubate the patient...good thing BP didn't crash with midaz..but the guy was a difficult intubation..or maybe my skills are just deteriorating...but thank God i managed to get the tube in on the second attempt...blindly...phew!!! had to admit the time patient reached ICU, it was almost 8am...thank God the on call and in-charge MOs came to my rescue...but we had problem getting the arterial line...and he only had on large bore branulla on the external jugular vein (the one i put in after i intubated the patient)..his other line was a pink one on his right leg...
I handed over the case and the other cases to the MO on call today and came home to crash...don't know if the uncle will make it through tonight...he was so septic that we had to start on double inotropes before i left....oh well, on call again tomorrow...we'll see how it goes...
Sunday, September 27, 2009
The Grim Reaper struck again...
Friday, September 25, 2009
The Grim Reaper Calls...
The day started out usual the action only starts after office hours...whole day i was practically jobless...and then after 5pm, the phone calls start coming...there was a medical patient who was having massive continuous lower GI bleed who was referred to surgery for surgical intervention... needed an ICU bed for stabilization before op...i was reminded of the acquired haemophilia uncle who had the same problem...he died eventually...thankfully not during my call...anyway, since they insisted that patient was stable for transfer and the surgical team will go in that night itself, i accepted the patient...meanwhile, my burn uncle was oozing blood-stained fluid from all 4 limbs and trunk... post wound debridement yesterday afternoon....losing fluid and blood faster than we can replace...blood pressure was low...initially started on single inotrope...then had to add another one...
GI bleed uncle came at 7pm...already on IV dopamine maximum dose...BP quite stable after running in fluid and blood...but blood was practically pouring out from his anus...i was humbled by the fact that 2 gastro specialists actually escorted this patient to ICU...well, i expected an MO to escort coz i didn't want to risk a patient like that with just an HO escort...but 2 gastro specialists is a bit too royal a treatment...i was actually having dinner in the MO room when i heard the voice of someone who always puts a smile on my face...his presence somehow made my stress more bearable...and to think he actually got the arterial line for the GI bleed uncle (you know how arterial line insertion is my bane), i'm forever indebted...yup, just about the only bright spot in my otherwise bleak and dark call...
So anyhow, i was resuscitating the patient...only had 3 pint of bloods...pale as DIVC cycle so we were just pumping in that...saving the blood for op...was contemplating on intubating him early since he was getting a bit restless and confused...and it'd be easier for me to get in the central line...opportunity came when GI bleed uncle suddenly said he was dizzy..and he was gasping and intubate!!...good thing wasn't difficult...then Chen Chen came from OT to help me out...she managed to put in the central line and we had to add IV noradrenaline coz uncle's BP was dropping further...we put in a Ryle's tube and blood about 500ml poured out into the bag....
The surgical team was debating on whether to go in or not..since by then uncle was no longer stable...his BP on maximum double inotropes was only about 50/30mmHg....i wanted to transfuse 1 pint of the blood in the hopes of bringing the BP up a bit...when they finally decided to go in at about almost 11pm, uncle became bradycardic and BP was barely pulses...had to start CPR...pushed in the blood and all but i think it was too late de...irreversible shock...CPR for about 40 minutes...the grim reaper won....uncle's son was crying so hard, i couldn't bear to look him in the eyes...
So that was that...thank God the meningioma lady who came in post op didn't give me much i could concentrate on trying to save burn uncle...i had to call his family members to inform DIL coz i was so worried he wouldn't make it through the night...but i was pumping in FFPs and cryos for him...and giving him colloids hourly...he was also pale as sheet...blood bank didn't have O+ blood...but i managed to get him 2 more pints (after already transfused 3 pints of blood throughout the evening and night)....took the GI bleed uncle's leftover 2 pints blood (since he didn't need them anymore, plus they were O+ too) and gave it to burn uncle...of course i sent it back to the blood bank for them to re-cross match....
From after midnight to about 4am, i was sitting in front of the computer while looking at burn uncle's monitor...we couldn't get an arterial line thanks to his took BP reading every 5 minutes...thankfully, i was chatting with John on the i could stay awake to keep vigil on burn 4am something, we've managed to taper off IV dopamine...and his heart rate came down from 140 bpm to 110 i could finally get some rest...thank God i didn't get nightmare about burn uncle dying while i was sleeping...awakened by a call from boss about 745am...asked regarding the GI bleed and burn uncle...she asked if i was ok...which was rare...and proceeded to console me by saying that it was ok, GI bleed uncle was a no-hoper anyway...and she actually said 'good job'!!! i must have done something right huh? though that didn't change the fact that i lost GI bleed uncle to the grim reaper...
Came home after i passed over to Kevin...had dim sum for breakfast with Elaine..then sent her to the airport...came home and crashed...good thing i didn't crash on the way home...
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Yes!! Sharon's pregnant!!!
Monday, September 21, 2009
Part-less...and Partner-less...
And then i blurted out to her, "hey, i'm not just part-less...i'm partner-less too..."...hahahaha... and then Sharon was like, "why you're always like that? wait till we (as in she and Pang) introduce you to BT"...and she had the look of a very excited matchmaking aunty...sigh...i wasn't even complaining about the fact that i was single..i was just pointing it out...btw, the world is actually that small...coz although i've never met this BT guy, i've actually known of his existence since i was in 1st year med school...why? coz one of the girls i used to hang out with in uni used to have this major crush on him....hahahaha....i don't know if i can look BT in the eyes and say hi with a straight face if/when i finally meet him...
After lunch, did 2 more necrotizing fasciitis of lower which i failed my spinal and had to give GA instead..crap!! i've been failing my spinals very often lately...i think it's a sign...another case was a submandibular abscess...was afraid of difficult intubation but i used the new videoscope which was loaned to our was actually very helpful...then went down for dinner...and Sharon was suddenly all so bubbly...she's not usually like that when she's on call... apparently she sent her urine for UPT and the result is back...but she refused to tell me if it's positive or not...but i have a feeling it's positive, hehe...that's really great news!!!
I'm doing a craniectomy and evacuation of clot and clipping of aneurysm now...the patient's quite stable so far...vitals are stable...hoping it will continue to be that way till i send her to, i did not leave my patient on auto-pilot while i'm typing this MA is looking after her...hopefully after this case it will be quiet...keeping my fingers crossed... i need sleep...precious sleep...
Sunday, September 20, 2009
I've resorted to doing laundry now...since it's at least something productive i can do while waiting for Morpheus to claim me into his land...what i need now is some midaz but all i have is piriton...which i already took and yet it appears to have no whatsoever sedating effect on poor liver...suffering from more sleepless nights...and the dark rings under my eyes...just keeps getting more prominent... sigh...perhaps i should just try counting sheeps again...for the umpteenth time...
Saturday, September 19, 2009
The Ugly Truth...
Reached 1 Borneo about 1.30pm...we had Bak Kut Teh for lunch...haven't tasted Bak Kut Teh in a was at we still had time to shop around...found myself a nice bedsheet...and Elaine always managed to buy herself something whenever she goes shopping...we went into the cinema just a bit after 2.45pm...GSC always have 15 mins of advertisement before the movie starts...oh, and they were showing the trailer on M Night Shyamalam's new movie...The Last's an adaptation from the anime...Pei's gonna be so excited about's a must watch...hehe...
So, The Ugly Truth...i was actually hoping i wouldn't fall asleep coz i was still quite sleepy...well, i needn't have was so hilarious that i was practically laughing from the start till the end of the, laughing would actually be an understatement, i think i totally annoyed everyone in the theatre...but the lines were so funny... Gerard Butler is so good acting as an asshole....and Katherine Heigl is the perfect Ms Control Freak...and i initially thought the 'check-list' guy (don't know the actor's name) was actually gay...apparently he was not...but it's really enjoyable watching how Gerard Butler taught Katherine Heigl how to 'snag' her 'check-list' guy...and Mike Chadway (Gerard Butler's character) is so spot on about women... unfortunately, most of us don't look like Katherine Heigl...and none of us will ever meet a Mike Chadway who can help us win the heart of our 'check-list' guy (who'd most likely turn out to be gay) by not being our real selves i.e. the control-freak, OCD, over-whiney, over-complaining, over-sticky, over-ambitious bitch etc, there'll never be enough Mike Chadways to go around falling for all of us anyway...and THAT is The Ugly Truth...
Sigh, i can so identify with Katherine Heigl's character, Abby...the control-freak nature...the check-list...the being so unapproachable...the comfortable and conventional dressing...and the cat...hahaha..ok, i don't belong to a cat (becoz i'm allergic to furs) but that's quite remediable...and i can just imagine myself ending up like the old cat lady who's generally harmless but is very weird and i was thinking, if someone as good-looking as Katherine Heigl's character is still single, no wonder there're so many of us single girls around...and our fault is really this...wanting to be loved for who we are by a man who fulfills our 'check-list'...not a very fair deal for men...being loved by a perfect man for being imperfect? and the ugly truth is, there is no perfect man...nor a perfect woman...
But then again, we always expect a happy ending...and Hollywood almost always never fails to give us least in The Ugly Truth, the ending is believable...i love the part when they were stuck on the hot air balloon and Mike told Abby that he was in love with her and all she heard was everything else but that...yea, i did shed a tear or two...that's like a given...oh, and i've got another (imaginary) wedding photos scene in mind and my groom...on a hot air balloon...hahaha...yup, i need a Mike Chadway to knock some Ugly Truths into my skewed hopeless romantic mind....
Worse that Grey's Anatomy?
Chatting with 2 of my friends while typing this post...multitasking...apparently my ability to multitask is still not up to par....there's always a lag and sooner or later, someone will notice i'm multitasking...hmmm, need to improve on anyway, i was telling both of my friends that i'm on call...and Vincent, is still up coz he's working on some of his photos...and Chee Siong is probably anxious that he's on call today, so he had an early morning awakening...
So Vincent was like, "you haven't slept since you woke up yesterday morning? but that's worse than Grey's Anatomy!!!"...hmmm, i don't know about that...i don't watch Grey's Anatomy...why would i wanna watch someone better looking than me acting out my daily life routine? ok, minus the sex and the scandal....coz i definitely do not have that active a social life...i think the problem with me is that i'm too my my church's my own twisted point of views...but it's ok i guess...that's what makes who i a way...
I'm rambling again...a sign that i am not having enough sleep...incidentally, my mom keeps sending me all these forwarded of which mentioned something about sleeping late causing liver damage...well, then, thank God i don't take alcohol in excess...since my work is already damaging my liver...there i go again..rambling...
Monday, September 14, 2009
Photos from T Music Festival...
Sunday, September 13, 2009 T Music Festival...
I took the LRT to bukit jalil stadium coz i thought driving there would be an insane idea...reached there about 6.20pm...i walked towards the stadium and saw many ppl who were already there.. went to the ticket counter to ask where was the rm268 tics entrance coz i didn't see any sign...ended up going in through the wrong entrance..had to be escorted to the other entrance..the vip seat was row M seat 16...M16...;) it was at the end of the row next to the stairs...quite i had a great view...oh, and i found out what T stood in the beer...coz Tiger was one of the move huh?
The show started with Andrew Tan (Malaysia)..then Rickman Sie (Malaysia)...then a singaporean up was James (Thailand)...never really knew what was so great about him except that maybe he looked a bit like Wang Leehom (from afar)...then it was ManHand (Malaysia)...the basist actually looked quite cute, hehe...Soler (Hong Kong) came next...never heard of them...but they were quite the rock band...then it was another Hongkie singer, Hoi Meng Wai...and some pretty boy Hongkie singer who's quite forgettable...
Up next, Power Station (Taiwan)...another rock band...and they sang quite long...but their songs are quite cool...then it was Liu Li Yang (China)...really like her "Yan Lei Xiao Le"...but her outfit was pretty hideous...when Chin (Thailand ) came onto stage and started performing, suddenly the whole stadium blacked-out...and then there was smoke coming from the power source...somebody overloaded the power system i guess...we had to wait for more than half-hour before the electricity came back on...and i was so worried that they'd cancelled the concert...coz Khalil hasn't performed yet at that time...oh no!!! but the MCs and some of the singers entertained us while they were fixing the power...Justin (HK), Khalil, Kay Tse (HK), David Tao (Taiwan), Sam Lee and Z-Chen (Malaysia) came out to sing acapella using a hailer...that kept the crown happy for a while...thank God for His kindness coz the lights came back on...phew!!! the show is back on the road...
So Chin performed...his signature "Yu Jian Ni", the sony cybershot Skinny T theme song or something like that...then it was some Malaysian female singer singing some irritating songs...but when the next Malaysian male singer came up, both of them dueted JJ Lin's song "Xiao Jiu Wo", which i like...then it was the moment i've been waiting for...Khalil came on stage...woohoo!!!! i went down the stairs to get a closer look...wanted to film his performance but the stupid organizers and rela ppl won't!!! so i ended up just gazing at Khalil from afar (not unlike some love-lorn teenager, hehe)...he sang "Ai Ai Ai", Singalong Song, Love Song and Nothing's Gonna Change My Love For You...he didn't sing Wonderful Tonight..:(...if only he'd have been the best performance of the night...and he didn't even have to do gimmicks like the other singers...oh well, life's full of disappointments...
After that, it was Z-chen (Malaysia)...something went wrong with the music during his he got fed up and started singing acapella...he sounded good singing Whitney Houston's I Will Always Love You...powerful vocals...then it was Sam Lee's turn...i just love his's so nasal..and yet it sounds so good when he sings..and he's tall...though not too good looking...managed to film most of his performance...hehe...avoided the watchful eyes of the organizers was Kay Tse....she's got a nice voice..better than Fiona Sit's...and her dressing style is quite retro...pretty...
Justin came on next...apparently he's got the most fans among the crowd...though i don't see why... i guess most ppl are into hip-hop these days...then it was Davis Tao's turn...his fan base is quite strong too...really got the crowd going...he sang his new song "An Lian" and his signature "Ai Hen Jia Dan"...finally Joey Yung (HK) came on stage...she was the last performer of the then it was already 1am...and yet the crowd was still going strong...i supposed everyone was waiting for her...though again, i don't see what's the big deal...besides the fact she was pretty...but she did sing the song i like..."Zhe Jiu Shi Ai Ma"...found out that it was written by JJ
My butt and practically my whole body were aching all over by then...stadium chairs are the most un-ergonomical...and my heels killed my feet...thank God i didn't get the rm400 ticket which would have granted me access to the floor which was a lot nearer to the stage, but would have required me to stand throughout the whole concert...i would have needed both feet amputation if that was the time, i'm gonna wear t-shirt, shorts and slippers to concerts like that...then i can buy the vvip ticket and stand whole night...hehe...
So, i didn't get to watch Khalil sing Wonderful Tonight live...and i didn't get to see him close enough to get him to sign my album...but i still had a marvelous time...i was like an 18 year-old kid again... cat-calling, screaming and wolf-whistling my heart's a good thing that i went one there knew me anyway..hahaha...HIlton's sponsoring the celebs' accomodation...i'm rather tempted to go stalk Khalil out...hahahaha...yea, wishful thinking...i should just go sleep now and dream that he'd come knocking on my door....hahahaha....sigh..i need help...
Saturday, September 12, 2009
My (imaginary) wedding....
For my wedding photos, i've thought of a few would be an 'under the rain' scene...where my groom (God bless him, hahaha) and i would be dancing in the rain, in wanton, without a single care that we're getting drenched in a tux and dress that might cost a few hundred ringgit...i just love the idea of dancing in the rain...the last time i played under the rain was in Camp Cameron 3 years ago...
Next scene would be among the rocks by the sea...found a perfect spot for this...Byron groom and i, watching the majestic waves crashing against the rocks...i know this is quite cliche but who cares...another would be also by the beach...perhaps under the boardwalk...watching the 'orange moon' dipping into the horizon...there's something about watching the setting sun together that signifies love eternal....
There'll always be a black & white profile yea? mine would be with a grand piano...groom in a white tux, me in an Audrey Hepburn style dress...ahhh, classic!!! Also to honour my nyonya ancestries, i'd love to be photographed in my mom's kebaya nyonya (which used to belong to my great grandmother)...if i can actually fit into them lah...and in the photos, my groom and i will be in colour while the background is in sephia (wonder if that could be done)...
Hmmm, how about a bedroom scene? hahaha...a purple heart-shaped divan for my groom and i to have a pillow fight on...oh, and depending on the circumstance of the marriage proposal, perhaps a re-enactment of it for photography sake...
I'm still torn between a traditional church wedding and garden wedding...i've always wanted a church wedding...but these days, a garden wedding is quite tempting...after all, it's easier to have a garden wedding since the ceremony and dinner reception can be held at the same place, one followed by the other...makes more money sense...
For my wedding dress, that will have to wait till when the wedding plans finally materializes...i'm too'll be something that i fancy at the moment i choose my gown...probably a simple white one-shoulder, empire-waist Greek goddess kind of dress...another would probably be a halter-neck, low back dress....we'll see...
Wedding just the song...Nothing's gonna change my love for you....Khalil Fong's version...for the walk-to-the-altar-song, i'm still open to suggestions...Pachabel's Canon in D or Mendelsohn's Wedding March is getting a little too familiar...perhaps something one my groom writes just for our wedding...;P
I haven't got my guest list ready...but the people i'll be inviting are all in my head...and if i get to give a speech for my wedding, it'll be a list of thank yous to my family and friends who've been so gracious to grace my wedding with their'll be the closest i'll ever get to delivering an Oscar speech...hahaha...
As for honeymoon, it will really depend on our financial status...exploring the Greek islands on a boat for a month sounds ideal...or a cruise down river Nile for a week...anyway, all of the above is subject to change...and at the rate my social life is going, it may remain (forever) as imaginary...hahaha...still, it's always nice to dream...:)
Back home for the T Music Festival
But i'm back in KL now...slept for 2 hours on the flight and now i'm wide awake as an's Saturday!!! WOHOO!!!! T Music Festival is happening today at the Bukit Jalil Stadium...finally got my ticket from my bro...that fellow was trying to pull my leg pretending not to know what i was talking about...younger brothers can be so pesky...i had to pretend to beg and get all teary before he finally produced the ticket...ass...;P
Anyway, i'm all my outfit, shoes, etc....tomorrow afternoon gonna get a hairwash and blow-dry my hair...B said he somehow imagined me getting ready like almost a wedding..hahaha...nay! that will be a hundred-fold more exciting..hahaha...but i do love playing dress-up....i hardly i only dress up for special occasions...i feel like i'm 18 again...getting ready for my first pop concert, ever...seriously, i've never attended a pop concert in my whole 28 years of i'm making it up for my lost teenage experience...hehe...Flora said i'd probably be the oldest person there...though i won't be surprised to see uncles and aunties bringing their teenage daughters and sons...
I hope Khalil will sing "Wonderful Tonight"'ll be so magical...brought back my Timeless album...still hoping i'll be able to get him to sign it for me...
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
My Best Friend's Wedding...
Anyway, i know a couple who got married recently...let's call the girl A and the guy B...the first time i actually heard of A, her name was associated with another guy (let's call him C) was A & C this.. A &C that..bla bla i naturally assumed that A & C was a couple...eventually i found out that the natural couple was A & B....hmmm, and i've always wondered....if C was actually in love with A...perhaps A did not reciprocrate, therefore C decided to be A's best order not to 'lose' her...either that, or maybe C is actually gay...and maybe it was A who was in love with C initially but then since C can't turn straight, A eventually found solace in B...i still think the former scenario is the more likely event...which makes me wonder did C feel when he attended A & B's wedding?
I remembered a friend who cried her heart out when her guy best friend finally got married...the prelude to the wedding was filled with her watching "My Best Friend's Wedding" practically everyday...she tried to put up a brave front...but eventually she caved in when the fateful day arrived...but i guess females are a tougher bunch...she got over it and is now happily married with a child...i don't know if C will ever get over A and look for his own happiness...let's hope God will bring him a girl who can restore his broken heart...hehe..i'm being melodramatic as usual...
So, don't ask me why i suddenly typed this was just something that came to mind and it was something i could identify with...since yours truly used to think she was in love with her best guy friend (before they ended up as best friends)...of course i've moved on since then...but sometimes a small voice from somewhere within will pop this question...have you really move on? i sure hope i have....coz what kind of life would it be to keep holding on to something that will never happen?
Sunday, September 6, 2009
The Neverending Story
I've been wanting to write about the book i was reading while i was in Australia...remember The Neverending Story? I like fiction fantasy like this one...i wouldn't exactly say it's a child's book for the vocabulary used in this book is as wide as it is the fonts are very small...and the imagination of the's just fantastic...hence the name of the fictitious world...Fantastica....every creature is so unique and quite beyond my imagination...and i love how the author can come up with weird names't recall any right now....i wish i can create names that sound beautiful and unique...and there's so many stories in that there's always this line that goes: but that's another story and shall be told another time...
The story revolves around a boy named Bastian Balthazar Bux...he's really not your typical cute boy but rather he is chubby, bullied and shunned by his peers...his only sanctuary was his books...which was how he stumbled upon the book called The Neverending Story...eventually he was 'sucked' into the world of Fantastica and became the creator of a new Fantastica...he could wish for anything and it will be as he he was bestowed the power by the Childlike Princess or Moon Child (as she was called by Bastian)....but the more wishes Bastian made, the more he forgets about the real world he came from...
He had almost lost all his memories of his previous world but somehow he managed to pull through and worked his way back to the real wish that struck me was the last wish Bastian made before he found his way back to the real world...he wished that he is capable of loving others...i just realized that perhaps i'm not capable of loving others...i mean truly love others..unconditionally..and intimately...i've always been one who is passionate about things, ideas and ideals...but not people...some would even describe me as aloof...i cry at movies and weddings..but never at i was just thinking, if i had to go through an adventure not unlike the one Bastian went through in Fantastica, to learn how to love others, i wish i could...
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Khalil Fong is artist of the month in MYFM
Unfortunately, it poured in the evening…so the internet connection at home is down…crap! So I’m actually typing this post offline…was reading a book earlier…but decided to type some posts although I couldn’t go online..i just switched on the radio and tuned to MyFM…and (Squeal!)… Khalil Fong is the artist of the month in MyFM…hehe, means they’ll be playing Khalil’s songs over and over again for the whole month…oh gosh! I wonder if MyFM will have some contest to win some Khalil’s cds and all…though I already bought his Timeless album…hmm, I guess this is going to be a good month after all..;)
Chinese Tuition Session
I was post call on Independence Day…it didn’t feel anymore sweeter than usual…my call wasn’t too bad…finished my last case at 2am plus…but didn’t sleep till about 5.30am…hehe, the net addict struck again…finally went to sleep…and a houseman woke me up at 6.30am to post an appendicectomy…I asked the HO, what time was patient admitted…the reply was.. “1am, but my boss asked to post the case at 6.30am…” Bloody hell!! so I called the case, informed the OT nurses to call me when the patient’s in OT…I slept back..and woke up again at 7.20am..only to realize that my nurse hasn’t call me…WTH??!! So I called the OT and was told the patient was not there yet…fine! I knew the surgery MOs weren’t going to do the case…they had already plan to pass over the case to the next on call MOs…the patient finally arrived at OT at 8am…breakfast for the next GA MO on call…not my fault…I didn’t purposely delay the case…
And I’m off to get Elaine from the cafeteria…she came from Kudat early morning…but no one was home to let her she waited for me at the hospital so that we could go home together..came home, collapsed till about 10.30am…didn’t want to get up but hey, we’ve got plans today…so dragged my stoned body off the bed and bathed...feeling much more refreshed, Elaine and I went to 1 Borneo..i let her drove…coz I was too lazy..hehe…
Had a quick lunch at McDs…then the shopping began…didn’t buy much stuffs…just followed Elaine around while she checked out some accessories at the new Parkson…I wanted to buy new bed sheets but didn’t find one that I fancied…Elaine went for eyebrow trimming while I watched in fascination the skillful hands of the lady who managed to tame Elaine’s bushy eyebrow…the result: definitely a better looking Elaine…that’s not all…Elaine also went to the Clinique counter to check out their sunscreen…after some recommendation and testing by the sales assistant, Elaine bought a foundation with SPF 15 protection and a lipstick…the sales assistant tried the foundation on Elaine’s face and the result was a more radiant and even complexion without looking like being painted with a layer of Nippon Weathershield…since Elaine got RM20 vouchers from her Clinique purchase, we decided for another round of scouting to use up the vouchers…I ended up buying a pair of purple earrings to go with my outfit for the T Music Festival…
Finally left 1 Borneo about 3pm plus…went straight to K-box in town…by the time we started singing it was already 4pm…we’d lost precious time for our Chinese tuition session ;P…coz the afternoon package session was from 2-7pm…so we only had 3 hours to practice our the 2 ah lians launched right into their singing session…Elaine picked her songs…and then I picked mine…as usual, my songs were mostly Khalil’s songs…I practically sang all the songs that are listed under him…hehe..i think I overdosed Elaine with Khalil’s songs again…of course we also sang LeeHom’s songs…and Lee Sheng Jie’s songs..We also sang Ji De (Remember)..but it’s the A-Mei’s version lah…couldn’t even find JJ Lin’s version…by 7pm, we managed to finish our repertoire…but we cut short a lot of the songs towards the end…and didn’t manage to sing my last 2 songs..duets by JJ Lin and Jin Sa…namely Xiao Jiu Wo and Qi Dai Ai…
After our fruitful lessons, we went over to Warisan Square for dinner at Secret Recipe with Flora…while waiting for her to finished up her chest tube insertion, Elaine and I wiled away our time at CP..bought a new pair of knee-length spandex pants…for my workout sessions… finished dinner about 9pm plus…was getting quite tired by then…came home, gossiped a bit with Jasmine (hehe, Jasmine always brings back the latest gossips for me), went online for a while…then hit the sack..had morning locum from 7am to 2pm the next day..working pm shift in OT….